Badassery Magazine | Page 45

getting connected with my body ? I had to ask .
“ Breathing ,” she explained . “ That ’ s the one mechanism our bodies will compensate for . And , it will shut down anything else that gets in the way of it .” She went onto explain that we are never taught how to breathe . We might be getting the job done and staying alive , but with slight adjustments , we can make significant changes to our wellbeing .

About the Author

For example , if you are feeling lethargic or tired , you may be taking longer to exhale than to inhale . By exhaling longer than inhaling , you are down regulating your system . For more energy and to up regulate , you ’ d inhale longer than you exhale . ( I tried it . It works .)
The more I talked with Suncana about awareness , the more I thought true awareness is the key to more than just body wellness , it is the key to just about everything - relationships , parenting , and especially business .
All too often , we fall into reactive mode . We spend our time reacting to the symptoms , putting out “ fires ” and dealing with the outcome . We think that having a bigger mailing list or being “ Instagram Famous ” will solve all our business problems . We look outside for quick fixes and magic formulas .
But , what if instead of looking outside , we started to look inside our business for answers . We made little , strategic tweaks that make a huge impact . We are open and aware of what is happening with all aspects of our business and how each part is connected to something larger . When you start actively listening and become open to finding the root cause of the problem , instead of reacting to the symptoms , you will start to take your business to the next level .
Learn more about Suncana Selimovic on her website and social media .

bodyconnectionobsessed . com � � � �

Hi , I ’ m Kathy ! I ’ m an idea development rockstar , an implementation expert , an ambassador of the # idearevolution and a champion for passionate & driven creatives with big ideas .
I believe that ideas are the life ’ s blood of a creative business and implementation is the heart . I love the excitement of an a-ha moment and starting to see the possibilities unfold . I live for projects and planning every detail . I geek out on strategy and trying to chart the most effective path .
After spending 12 years as an event planner , I realized every plan I created started in the same way . It didn ’ t matter if I was planning a wedding , a corporate meeting or a special project – all could be implemented using the same method . It is the same method I used build my business and the same method I teach my clients through coaching , on my blog , in workshops and in the Epiphany Idea Lab .
kathyrasmussen . com

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