Badassery Magazine | Page 21

Sure , these individuals don ’ t have issues in the financial-flow department , but their track record ( overall in life ) hasn ’ t been pristine , either . No one ’ s perfect .
Cue the theme song from Rocky .
What do they ALL have in common ? They ’ re all comeback kids whose healthy habits outweigh everything else ! They clearly know how to work their assets in the best possible way , and make them WORK FOR them ( not against them ), despite “ little hiccups ”.
What ’ s this got to do with you ? When you know your strengths – you can better work them , and when you know your weaknesses , you can be cognizant of them too , AND SLAY THEM ! So , what are you ?
1 . Jump here and complete these 10 easy-peasy , vegan coconut cream-laced questions 2 . Jump back here to check out which type you are based on your winning score , then 3 . Jump to your email for advice that ’ ll be directly mailed to you upon completing the questionnaire :)
THE HOARDER You live in the world of scarcity . Can we say it ? Your intense saving strategy might be suffocating you . You buy in bulk , you ’ re ruthless in not sharing a restaurant bill , and you ’ re a slave to your consistent paycheck and 401 ( k )/ RSP matched contributions . You ’ re beyond an ultra-budgeter .
The negative : You sometimes drive yourself a little batty in risk-adverse frugality , not just in your money world , but in other areas too . I . E . Wouldn ’ t show up for a night out with someone else ’ s buds because you didn ’ t know who else would be there ? Well , you missed out ! And it was one hell of a great time .
The positive : You get a gold star for being cash flow positive ( not in debt ), and you ’ ve probably got a comfortable enough lifestyle going on as is . You ’ re more than still a keeper .
THE ADRENALINE JUNKIE You spend for the thrill of the chase – in private and in public , and sometimes for attention . You justify your spending and your spending has no limits . You ’ re the one who picks up the whole restaurant bill or orders the expensive wine in front of a group ( but not when alone ). Closet spenders too , fit into the adrenaline category . You gotta ’ do what you gotta ’ do !
The negative : You regret spending excessively when you know you shouldn ’ t – even if you can afford to . To feed your rush your habits are constant , and without a solution – you ’ ll end up in an emotionally and financially toxic place long term . # depressed
The positive : Possessions don ’ t actually mean a lot to you . You acquire , but you give away what you get just as easily , without resistance and with pleasure . You ’ re living in flow , but also tip-toeing in borderline money ( and emotional ) danger zone .
THE MONK You are selfless to a fault , and it ’ s not helping your cause . Money isn ’ t in flow here – even though it feels like a cardinal sin when you are in possession of more than you need . Someone needs money ? You ’ re the bank . Someone references you have money – you down play it . Someone offers to buy you a coffee and you incessantly decline . Take the beverage ! It ’ s not a first class ticket , it ’ s just a hi :)
The negative : You are potentially deflecting abundance at the same time you are sharing it .
The positive : Your generous nature will continue to bring opportunities way ( if you take them , instead of giving them away ).
THE AVOIDER The topic of money makes your ears bleed . In other words , you care – but you put your money game on the back burner . Those credit card bills , tax invoices , your mobile , and health insurance ? They get billed to your credit card , you don ’ t open the