Badassery Magazine | Page 14

The Power of Positive Selfishness by Janae Fletcher S elf-Care positions you to be the best version of yourself. If you struggle with the ideas that putting yourself first is selfish, STOP and rethink that notion. Positive Selfishness never hurt anybody. Please say a hearty YES to putting yourself first. You can give more, free up creative ideas and continue to be the badass that you are by nurturing your life. Amaze yourself and blow your own damn mind once in a while by putting yourself on your own ‘To Do’ list. The fine art of ‘discovering what works for you’ will set your life into motion in new and different ways. It’s a fact that underneath every successful project, structure, creation, family and business is a strong and suitable foundation. Building a strong foundation for yourself before you go further in your day, career or goals is a must. Getting started or recommitting to a routine that refuels you requires you to be honest with yourself and establish priorities. Everybody’s routine will be different. Choose what is best for you and your current situation. The bottom line for me is taking an honest look at my personality, motivation, ideas and decisions. Ask yourself these questions to help you define your priorities. Does it fit into my mission? Does it support my ideals? Is this a self-sabotaging behavior? Does it fuel my Body, Mind & Soul? Getting clear on when you are saying a Hearty YES 13 or a Hell NO is a form of Self-Care. How you spend your minutes is how you are spending your day, week, month and life. Make it count. Setting the tone for the day is an ESSENTIAL part of wellbeing. Are you a natural morning person, night person, nap time hustler? I use some night time prep to help with my morning routine and mindset. Food prep is on my list as well as leaving a list on my desk of what I want to do the next day. This allows me to let it go and relax at the end of the day. Adjust activities to your needs. You may be knocking out all your Self-Care in the morning or you may be using three five-minute focused activities to get yourself going. Grab the time that works for you. Behind all your creative ideas, business strategies and rockstar goals lie in ritual and routine. I’m a natural morning person but recently recommitted to an adjusted morning routine with determination and intention. I was feeling a bit wimpy and realized as I was pondering that within myself I wasn’t a wimp at all, quite the opposite. I have made major changes in the last six months. I was doing a lot and I needed to bring my Self-Care up to the same level. Your Self-Care goals need to be in proportion to the other areas in your life. This includes rest! When you think you’re too busy to make yourself a priority is when you need to commit to your personal Self-Care rituals and routines even more!