Badassery Magazine September 2017 Issue | Page 41

Y ou decide you want to make a big change in your life, say a career move and it’s really really exciting. For about five minutes and then “re- ality” sets in. That voice in your head starts trash talking you. “How do you think YOU will do this? There are millions of people better at this than you and ev- eryone knows there are 720000 applicants for each job. How will you pay the rent and bills if you don’t get a job? You don’t have enough experience.” You get invited to go on holiday with a group of new girlfriends. Yippee. They must really like you. It will be just like in the movies. Oh, but wait. “They’re all thinner than you, You need to lose weight, you never to the gym, you can’t wear a bikini in front of them. What if they want to go somewhere really fancy-pants and you have noth- ing to wear? What if they’re all super casual and expect you to go hiking in shorts and not wear any make-up. You go shopping for a friend’s birthday present and happily buy them something knowing you would never spend “that kind of money on this” if it was for yourself but this is a “special occasion”. You plan a whole day to yourself doing exactly what you please. Doesn’t matter if that’s tight- rope walking across the Nile or spending the day under the du- vet binge watching your fav TV show. It’s your day. You’ve been working really hard and you’ve been looking forward to it. You’ve EARNED this. The night before a friend, co-worker or relative calls and says they “really really need your help and they hate to bother you and they wouldn’t ask but they’re desperate and they have nobody else to turn to” so you cancel your day and go help them redecorate their bread bin/ walk the budgie/ discover the joy of tidying (SERIOUSLY?!! the JOY of tidying. I have a very dif- ferent definition of JOY and I’m a certified Happiness Coach). and crippling self doubt. I’ve been there, I’ve said it, heard it, felt it, lived it. There is nothing no matter how vile, cruel, spite- ful, untrue or unprovoked that you have ever thought to your- self that I haven’t. I embraced that fear, that voice, that hateful inner dialogue and it led me to depression, a suicide attempt, homelessness. When I say I know it feels REAL I mean it. I also promise it’s not. Okay, I think you’re smart enough to get where this is going. I’m sure I can come up with a few gazillion other examples. Several things happen when we behave the ways I’ve described above. First of all Our thoughts create our reality and we choose our thoughts. That voice in your head that instantly starts trash talking you as soon as you yearn to grow and move closer to your dreams, isn’t real. It’s a combi- nation of fear, limiting beliefs Nobody is born believing they cannot be anything they want or do anything they like. I spent thirty years working with chil- dren. Never saw one get up and walk without falling over first. A LOT. They all learned to walk. Not one sat down and listened to an inner monologue saying “Give up. You’re a loser. You can’t do this. It’s not for you”. Want to know why? I believe it’s quite simple. Nobody had started say- ing those things to them. Nobody 40