Badassery Magazine September 2017 Issue | Page 30

away from the man who tried killing me, I still did not have the self confidence. It was there, I just did not grasp it! I did not do the inside work to get to it. I did not give myself credit for how far I had truly come. And here is an- other bullshit story, I wasn’t good enough because I wasn’t where everyone else was. Who said what I did wasn’t good enough? It was me, not anyone else. I had to completely shift what I was doing. I wanted to give others this moment. I wanted to give others the motivation and support they needed to go for the gusto. My business would be different because no one else had the experiences and information that I have. Yes, some of it is the same and similar but it really is different. So I say what bullshit story are you telling yourself? The minute you realize your accomplishments are awesome, you are good enough and you are a badass, it is so like the heavens are singing and a golden light is coming down. If you haven’t experienced this, it is something you will not forget. The minute I realized I have been bullshitting myself with my business, it was like a heavy weight was lifted from my heart and my shoulders. It was like a whirlwind of affir- mations, intentions, and A’HA moments run through your head. It was like a bomb went off in my heart, my head and my whole body. I was alive again. I knew I was telling myself is that I wasn’t good enough or accom- plished enough. That I hadn’t done what so and so did. That is just it, I didn’t have to do what they did. I was doing amazing things all along even though the times I was wanting to die or tried killing myself. I was amaz- ing all on my own. No one had given it to me. I had earned it. It was there all along. My heart had been singing my true dreams and passions all along. I just couldn’t see it through all the bullshit I was telling myself. am telling myself because there always are, I now have a direc- tion that lights a fire under my ass. It makes me Sassy! It makes me Fierce! It makes me, ME! Things change and we have to roll with them so that we do not get stuck in the bullshit stories again. I want to thank Brittany Peter- sheim, Meredith Watson and Debbie Pace for getting me where I am. There are a nu- merous other people as well. So thank you everyone!  There are more bullshit stories I About the Author I am a single mom of three vibrant girls who loves to ready, write, play Diablo and a kick ass DJ for the Kingdom of Loathing game. I have gotten my business, Sweet and Sassy Organizational Styles up and run- ning. It has been open for one month! I have a group and blog that gives more tips and tricks on organi- zation. I am also excited to be getting an associates degree in small business management. You can find me at https://sweetandsassystyles.square- 29