Badassery Magazine October 2017 Issue 17 | Page 50

music coming from his heater in the office. I was given medication and am relieved to say that when my youngest daughter was born I did not go spiraling down the postpartum sickness again. To this day I do not remember most of what I did or said, or the way I acted when under the in- fluence of Postpartum Psychosis. Most people hear about Postpar- tum Depression, but not much about Postpartum Psychosis. Postpartum Depression leaves you feeling depressed and unable to get motivated to do the things that need to be done, as well as a sense of deep hopelessness. Postpartum Psychosis is a little different. The depression is there but also fear, and paranoia, as well as hearing and seeing things that are not there. It makes you do weird things and act strange- ly, and it is extremely dangerous, for the person who has it as well as others around that person. For me getting help and meds was so important. I wanted to share my story to reach any of you out there with Postpartum Depression, or Psychosis. Do not let the sickness control you. Talk to someone, tell them what your feeling and thinking. It may go away after a period of time, but rest assured it will come back worse when your next child is born. Do not ignore the signs, get help. It’s the only way to get About the Author I am a 37 year old SAHM of five and a Etsy business owner as well as having my own crafty community website. I live in Knoxville Tennessee with my husband, five kids, three dogs, and one cat. I am a Artist and I also love making crafts. I have been on my own since I was 16, and have learned a lot of life lessons the hard way, but I love my life and wouldn't change a thing about it. Feel free to contact me with questions or comments, and thanks for reading!  49 better. If you know someone with similar symptoms help them by letting them know you are there if they need to talk, sometimes a friend or family member can get through the fog enough to find out what is really going on. You could help, and maybe save one or several lives. 