Badassery Magazine October 2017 Issue 17 | Page 49

I t started as a feeling that the world was not what it seemed. That everything was going in cycles, and I was hyper analyzing everything. Then the fear and paranoia set in. I was afraid of everything and every- one. My mind was racing, some- times with brilliant thoughts about the world around me and how things were changing for the better, but mostly thoughts that made no sense at all, like frag- ments of conversations that were imagined, with unknown voices in my head. I would ask a ques- tion and he or she would answer. Or the voice’s would tell me things that to this day I still don’t know if they are true or not. I could hear music coming from things like the heater, fridge, fish tank and anything that made unintelligible noise. I could not eat. I could not sleep. The lack of sleep started affecting my senses. I started seeing things, like evil shadows slithering around the room. I would spend hours walk- ing around in circles and pacing, while the thoughts and voices in my head kept racing a mile a minute. With every child I had, it hap- pened within the first two years, again and again. With my first two kids it was mild and only lasted a week or so. I was not on medication because I was afraid to tell anyone that I was hearing voices and seeing things. So it went undiagnosed and in a moment of clarity I signed my two kids over to custody of their father. Somewhere deep down in the murky churning waters of my mind I knew I could not take care of them. I knew something was wrong with me but I did not know what to do to get better. I knew the symptoms of post- partum depression but this was different and so much worse. I tried to sleep but I was plagued by shadow demons that kept slithering around the room in the corners and over the walls. My newborn baby, only four or five days old started crying. I could not react, I was immobilized with fear as I watched the shad- ow demons slither over him, and then he was not my son anymore. He was a demon baby, the shad- ow demons took my son and left this wailing baby demon in his place. I don’t know how long he cried . It brings tears to my eyes now thinking back, knowing that he was crying because he was hungry, and I was supposed to be caring for him and I could not because of the overwhelming thoughts in my head and the fear I felt. My husband came home from work early and my son was saved from me. It’s hard to say that without feeling like a hor- rible mother and complete fuck up. I was put in a psychiatric hospi- tal three times before my family and the doctors could figure out what was going on with me. I was afraid to tell the psychiatrist that I was seeing shadow demons and having conversations in my head with people that were not there. I was finally diagnosed with Post- partum Psychosis when I told the doctor that there was evil satanic 48