Badassery Magazine October 2017 Issue 17 | Page 45

E very moment of our life calls us in. Calls us deep- er into the Truth of our Souls earthly experience. Every moment begs for analysis and gratitude. Reactions or emotional triggers become subtle or absent as you float through life with- out expectation, guided by your intuition, your Soul. Imagine seeking pleasure with- out permission. Time travelling to your highest potential. Man- ifesting greatness. Enjoying. Loving. Being. Always. Imag- ine seeing how negative or low vibrational behaviors come in patterns, guaranteeing attention and transformation. Imagine noticing how growth is never the same. The resistance to it might be experienced similarly, but growth is always new, expansion. A never-ending horizon waiting to be discovered. You say Yes and No to people and situations from a place of healthy reverence for your peace, serving and maintaining your boundaries from Love instead of Fear. You are Empowered. You learn to question then choose your thoughts, watching them from a bird's eye view. You learn to embrace your emotions with tender curiosity, asking and honoring their wisdom through listening with compassion. Like a loving parent to a small child. You use your emotions as mes- sengers and informants, alerting you to your attachments to the illusions of this world. Uncom- fortable emotions reveal our agreements with life that no longer serve us so we may change them and become free. All this and more is the mindful, daily practice of Energetic or Emotional Mastery. Who is Energetic Mastery for? Everyone and anyone! I would even go so far as to say that it is your DUTY to be a Master of your Energy, as everyone's fre- quency influences the planet. She is in much need of love right now. Loving yourself and being willing to help yourself grow is undoubtedly the LEAST selfish thing you can do. You are a part of this world too, there is no bet- ter place to begin healing than within, for it affects everything without. This is the beautiful and self-serving nature of a holo- graphic Universe. didn’t know how to cure cycles of dis-ease and viruses that clung to my body. I didn’t know how to clear my acne. I didn’t really know myself, therefore I wasn’t loving myself in a fulfilling way. I used to fill my gaps with dis- tractions. My poorly trained Ego pulled the spotlight of my focus outward, to shine on anything but Me. The Real Me. Protecting me from knowing that my pain is the key to my freedom. Ego plays many tricks, the need for protec- tion is the main one. We are never really afraid of anything, only how it will make us feel. Our minds and bodies instinc- tively avoid pain via the fight or flight responses. Our subcon- scious doesn’t know the dif- ference between fear and real danger. The Ego preys on this opportunity. Through the prac- tice of Energetic Mastery we can make actual sense of our pain by using it instead of letting it use us, as its’ done so many times before. If you perceive your life to be tough then it is especially for you. For all suffering is self induced, unconsciously. I’ve nearly fallen deep into victim- hood countless times over the past several years. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. I wasn’t sure what qualities I needed in a partner. I wasn’t sure To be a Master of yourself is to about how I should be eating. I accept all feelings as they come, 44