Badassery Magazine October 2017 Issue 17 | Page 34

little crazy, but it’s a sure way to bring your body back here on earth if you have not been feel- ing IN your body lately. There are two ways you can do this exercise. The least daring one is holding ice to the middle of the bottoms of your feet. The goal is the hold it there until the ice cube has completely melted. The second activity is taking a cold shower. Not lukewarm, but cold! While the experience isn’t tradi- tionally favorable, it can be not only beneficial but even enjoy- able when you shift your per- spective on the experience. Regardless, it will certainly help connect you with your body and bring you into the present Moment. 4) Feet on Soil the breathing exercise from #2 in combination with this. This exercise, unlike the others, is literally connecting you with the ground. It’s simple, and feels nice to imagine Mother Earth trans- ferring her deeply calming energy to you. are some of my favorites: “I am always safe.” “I love my body.” “I am safe in my body.” “I am an- chored and connected to Mother Earth.” “I am always protected by The Universe /God.” “The Universe will always provide for me.” 5) Root Chakra Affirmations I hope you try out these practices to see which you like best and feel are helpful. You can truly integrate these into your life any- time, anywhere. The root chakra is the first This next one is quite simple. All chakra for a reason. You can’t it requires is standing barefoot build on unstable ground. There on a nice area of soil, but grass are many ways to balance the basically works the same. You root chakra but my favorite can take a few deep breaths or do are affirmations. The following About the Author Sophie Jennis is a Tarot Practitioner and on the path to becoming a teacher of Divine Love, working with Holistic Healing modalities for powerful transformation. 33 