Badassery Magazine October 2017 Issue 17 | Page 30

yourself and your life forward! I give no fucks whether it is trust for yourself, a lover, a friend, a coworker; what I do give all the fucks about is that you EXER- CISE THAT TRUST!!!! You see where that trust lies and you ac- knowledge it. You remind your- self that life is far more beautiful with trust and that your relation- ships are all the richer for it. If you’re reading this and you’re thinking to yourself, “Self. This chick...phew!” And you inserted an eye roll, let me pose this to you: You give trust to other drivers on the road that they stay on their side and don’t hit you head on. You trust the people that make you your double decaf half frap como si dice at the green mer- maid shop every morning. You trust your trash man to show up and pick up all your stinky gar- bage once a week. So why can’t you trust your damn self with your own deci- sion making? Why is it that you can’t trust in yourself that there is a power inside that was NEV- ER EXTINGUISHED when you went through the trauma you did? You CAN trust in yourself. You just don’t know how. Let me show ya: Take out a small piece of paper. Fold that paper in half. Fold it in half again. (You should have 4 squares now.) Take a pencil and with your eyes shut, doodle in 1 square, make sure your eyes stay shut. Move to the next square and all lazy-like, squiggle around. Skip the third square. In the fourth square write your name. You should have been able to do all of those things without peak- ing. Why? Because you trusted yourself to lead you to the next square and the next and the next. You saw the personification of trust in yourself within that piece of paper! I want to encourage the fuck outta you to look for all the ways YOU DO TRUST people in your everyday life. And for the love of everything hole-y in this world: STOP SAYING YOU DON’T TRUST PEOPLE! You’re a fuck- en people too!  About the Author Brittany is not only a light worker and shadow sherpa (helping clients through their inner shadows) but she is the CEO and Founder of Clearing the Rain, a company whose mission is to change societal standards around the world, end domestic and sexual violence against women, and empower the fuck out of so many women that she eventually runs herself out of busi- ness. She’s been featured in magazines and blog spots, she’s interviewed with a handful of outlets, but she’s not done yet. Her group, Under the Umbrella, is growing all the time with people who want to change their lives and step into their own true power. Be on the look out for her non-profit, Clearing the Rain Founda- tion soon! When she’s not doing CEO-type things with her business, she’s playing with her two rambunctious boys, reading, or doing artsy stuff. She also enjoys having family movie nights, digging in the dirt, and does some really amateur photography work. 29  