Badassery Magazine November 2017 Issue 18 | Page 55

BUT IT’S NOT THE THING I DO! An ad I placed in my local Nat- ural Awakenings for my reiki and crystal sessions for pets was frustrating me. The ad was well done. Natural Awakenings ad team loved it. The similar ad placed for mobile pet grooming before it exceeded beyond my expectations. Good thing the ad was in exchange for a monthly pet column and not cash out of my pocket. Now here is an argu- ment about bartering. (Which is a totally different article.) Had I been paying monthly for the ad, would it have taken me this long to become so aggravated? I was getting calls, but they were either out of my service area, (Yes, it was defined in the ad), however the bulk of the calls were from other energetic practi- tioners looking to add pet care to their human services. After about the fifth call, I want- ed to shout, “BUT IT’S NOT THE THING DO! I DON’T TEACH …….” Wait a minute. Smarter Me: (Obviously trying to be patient) Um, don’t you teach seminars and workshops. Me: Yeah, but that’s for the pro- fessional pet grooming industry. Smarter Me: Don’t you already have workshops in place regard- ing wellness and such? Me: Yeah, but I’m in the middle of setting up the membership site for the pet industry. Smarter Me: And how much more work would it be to do that at the same time. Me: Not at lot, but Smarter Me: But what. Instead that last phone call ended with, “I am working on an online work shop and member- ship program for energetic prac- titioners looking to transition to working with animals. Would you like to be contacted when it’s ready?” How fine is that line to contin- ually adapting your business or marketing plan to fit your current business model and chucking it to start something different? Or maybe not so dis- similar. Just altered from what you currently are doing. How do you tell the difference? Am I spinning my wheels with trying to offer energetic sessions to pets outside of my mobile pet grooming business or do I need to give it more time? Lots of questions floated in the back of my head. Answering them made my decision. 54