Badassery Magazine May 2018 Issue 24 | Page 54

By becoming truly aligned with my heart’s desires and setting specif- ic monthly intentions influenced by the energy of the moon, I have experienced positive, intuitive-led and real change. I am compelled to live a life that keeps on get- ting sweeter. I have two glorious daughters, a devoted husband and an inspiring spiritual business “Gumboots By The Sea”. I am now able to breathe freely as I fully lis- ten to and trust my intuition and heart to lead the way. My husband and I had moved to the country and we had started our new life as parents. The whole time the daily presence of the moon, even at her slightest, reminded me of her magic. She very quickly be- came a constant companion and helped me to honour the various stages of each moon cycle. Each stage reminded me that I was safe, protected and loved. As we began our gloriously imperfect and cha- otic life as a family in the country, I found a rhythm, one that was in perfect alignment with my soul and brought so much joy. I start- ed to make a conscious effort to tune into the moon’s energy each month by regularly writing inten- tions, meditating, releasing and being. I trust in spirit and my own self-power to support me and I use the constant companionship of the moon to support me, as I set intentions and allow it to shine magic on all of my desires. I am living my best life. What a gift the moon is! Is it your time to look up, tune in and to simply ask?  Kate is a published author, meditation teacher, spiritual guide and moon god- dess! She describes her first book, Letters To a Tibetan Monk, as thoughts shared with a fragment of her soul. Kate is wholly dedicated to supporting women to live in true alignment with their heart and soul's deepest desires. Kate's business, Gumboots By The Sea, is a place of love and healing and the vehicle by which Kate helps women connect to their own self- power through spiritually guided healing, empowerment, online meditation classes, and on- line group and individual moon mentoring. Kate's passion is to infuse positivity, abundance, flow, magic, love and joy in as many women's lives as possible. Kate Darnell Kate's book, Letters To A Tibetan Monk, is available on Amazon and Lulu. For more information on what Kate does, check out her website - www.gum- and enjoy exploring her offerings, book in for an online healing or empowerment session, or check out one of her courses including her newest moon course 'Moon Magic' which begins at the new moon on 14 June 2018. A deeply spiritual journey connecting to your own self-power using the magic energy of the moon and Kate's personal love and support. 53  