Badassery Magazine June2017 Issue | Page 16

About the Author
already was ! Does having purple hair and tattoos help me feel more myself ? Yes , of course it does ; it ’ s a unique expression of my loud but also very introverted soul . But it ’ s not everything and it doesn ’ t even begin to encompass who I am in my entirety . I wish I had realized all of this a long-ass time ago . It would have saved me a lot of tears , a lot of scars , and a lot of stress and anxiety . I realize now that I was good enough . Good enough for friends , to be treated with dignity and respect even though that wasn ’ t always the case .
Nowadays , I give precisely zero fucks whether or not I fit in . And by traditional standards , I don ’ t .
Guess what ? I don ’ t give a shit ! There ’ s nothing more freeing than not giving a flying fuck . Screw fitting in and being accepted because you know what ? If you accept yourself and carry yourself with confidence , you won ’ t care . And quite frankly , those that really matter in your life will accept you no matter what .
If we can pull our heads out of our asses long enough to look in the mirror ( figuratively speaking ) and assess our unique awesomeness as it already stands I think we would all find that we are already the amazing , badass women that we feel like we didn ’ t
fit in with either in the past or even now .
So I challenge you to take a look in the mirror ( again , figuratively speaking ) and be honest with yourself . I think you ’ ll find that you ’ re already pretty fuckin ’ awesome ! apple

About the Author

Hi lovelies ! I am Melissa Bee . I am a fierce introvert who is passionate about mental health awareness and teaching people to turn their MESS into their MESSAGE . I am a mom to a gorgeous daughter Ella and I am married to a quirky Brit who goes by Wyndham . In addition to my human baby , I have a menagerie of fur-babies . I love to knit , read , play with makeup , and binge-watch TV medical dramas .
intothebeehive . wixsite . com / intothebeehive

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