Badassery Magazine June 2018 Issue 25 | Page 39

It ’ s almost the end of the day ! I say that with a crooked smile and a hint of up-to-no-goodness because once I scoop the teenager up from school , I will be in official chill mode , with a glass of wine in hand . Not that the day has been overly demanding , but seriously , who doesn ’ t enjoy a nice deep full-bodied red wine ?

Speaking of glass …
If you saw a glass with liquid reaching its midpoint , would you say it is half empty or half full ? Yes , this question has been posed throughout time . Seemingly , the rhetorical question of optimism versus pessimism eludes to an obvious answer of half full , right ?
Now ask me the same question .
Being a woman of faith and having a reasonably high outlook on life , I will simply say , there ’ s room for some more . Keep pouring !
Certainly , you can appreciate the purpose of the question being a demonstration of how situations can be viewed from various angles . Is this a two-dimensional matter of either / or , or do you allow yourself the freedom of a multidimensional world of possibility ?
Let ’ s talk a little business for a second . When looking at entrepreneurship in the online space , many still have a difficult time grasping the ability to make an abundant living online . I ’ ve encountered many skeptics who openly shun this idea , believing it to be the talk of some pyramid-scheme . To a small degree , I can see how the idea is still evolving as making a career , earning money online is still a relatively new concept . However , in this microwave age , we are seeing a revolution of innovation become commonplace in less than a few years . For example , the iPhone is celebrating its ten-year anniversary . It has only been around 10 years , and it represents technology that many cannot imagine business or even life without .
Let me pose a question for you :
When it comes to plans and goals for your future from a financial point of view , is your glass half full or half empty ?
I ’ m sure you ’ ve heard one or more of these phrases recently : “ Start earning $ 5K / month in your business .”
“ Are you ready to start hitting consistent 5-figure months in your online business ?” ( That ’ s $ 10K- $ 99K , for the record …)
“ Scale your business to 6- and 7-figures .”
Sounds a bit get rich-quickish , huh ?
Some things sound too good to be true - and it very well could be at times - but I know an intelligent , professional woman like you can sift the wheat from the tares . ( You know what it is and what it ain ’ t !)
So , let ’ s look at this more carefully : $ 5K / month ... are you somewhere in that ballpark now or have you ever been in your traditional career ? Most have hit this mark or have been somewhere close to it . 5-figure months , once you learn systems and strategies , is a piece of cake ... no lie . If you ’ re making consistent 5-figure months , you will naturally land in 6-figure annual income . That ’ s a no-brainer , huh ?
The numbers don ’ t look so insurmountable now , do they ?
I credit myself as being a smooth , savvy sister , and that ’ s why I have such a great attraction to serving intelligent , goal-oriented female entrepreneurs who know what they want and are not afraid to go after it . I know my numbers , and numbers don ’ t lie .
So , let me reiterate my question :
When it comes to your plans and goals for your future from a financial point of view , is your glass half full or half empty ?
Do you fully believe in your business and the transformation it offers ? Of course , you do . Do you believe you will be well compensated for the value of what you offer ? Hmm ... that ’ s the greater concern .
Now comes the inner work .
Our wealth consciousness and money mindset are both directly related to how we deem money , wealth , abundance , and success , and how we access it .
Wealth Consciousness - the awareness of abundance and how to access and create it . This expands far beyond money .
Money Mindset – how we view money , based on our experiences and what we ’ ve been taught .
Both wealth consciousness and a right money mindset are needed for the journey of success .