Badassery Magazine July 2018 Issue 26 | Page 44

career path, I’ve been “taught” by every writer whose work I’ve come across, from novels to advertising copy. If I read a piece of work that’s poorly written, it reinforces my knowledge of correct word usage and literary structure. If I encounter a novel with rich, fully developed characters, I’m learning how to construct a story that emotionally engages the reader. Of course, we have a word for this type of thing. We call it an “influence.” Musicians talk about their influences all the time. We’ve all come across people who have influenced our work, without truly realizing that this is just another form of education. Indeed, in the days when craftsmanship was more than just a word dragged out to impress people in marketing copy (another tale for another time dear reader) this was the primary method for teaching skills and passing on knowledge. A craftsman would take on an apprentice, teaching him or her every detail of that particular profession. Theory was present, but it was found within the context of the work itself. I would argue that writing works very much on this principle, albeit by proxy. (I doubt I’ll be sitting down with Ernest Hemingway or Doris Lessing over drinks to discuss their passions or writing techniques - more’s the pity.) which are not, no one is truly self-taught. We simply pursued our education along a different path, perhaps even a better one, depending on the person. Perhaps it’s time we acknowledged these pathfinders, teachers, influencers. Let us all be apprentices to those who came before, and thereby approach whatever we do - writing, engineering, flower arranging, sales - as a craft. In the words of Sir Isaac Newton: “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”  The point of all this? With the exception of someone living alone in the wilderness, trying to discover which things are safe to eat and Mackenzie Clench So who (or what) is „Mackenzie Clench?“ Let’s see… aside from being the CEO, Scribbler and Chief Fuss Maker of Mackenzie Clench Creative, I’m also an author, empath and ten-cent philosopher with an obsession for books and words that borders on the pathological. As a child I was bitten by a radioactive thesaurus and granted special powers – powers which I have sworn to only use for good. Well... most of the time. I’m a foodie, a passionately amateur cook and a sandwich connoisseur who’s capable of spending far more time in a Bed, Bath and Beyond than is entirely healthy for a human of my age and fighting weight. My other passions include classic black and white films, music, ballet and opera (yes really!) and all things steampunk. Want more? I would direct you my website where my essays and other literary detritus may be found. Like any good writer (and even a few lousy ones), I can always be found among the words. Expect me when you read me...    44 • BADASSERY MAGAZINE