Badassery Magazine Issue 9 January 2017 | Page 10

About the Author
If you were at a conference , worn out after a long day of grinding away on your business plan , and ready to slip into your comfy hotel robe and go to bed , but someone asked you to go out for drinks , who would you say YES ! to ? Not out of a sense of obligation but because you REALLY wanted to hang out with them ? Those are your people .
2 . Stop trying to define what you THINK will sell .
Get quiet , sit with yourself , and think about the # 1 thing that you love most in the World that you can ’ t stop talking about . What topic gets you SO excited that you can ’ t shut up , even if you ’ re an introvert ? That is your focus .
3 . Stop trying to come up with convoluted programs with complicated instructions on topics that you find difficult .
Instead , ask yourself what comes EASILY and naturally for YOU . Your best program will be the thing that you believe EVERY- ONE knows and that no one will pay for because you find it so easy !
Time and time again I work with women who tell me , “ No one will pay for that ! Everyone already knows that !” But the moment they start talking about it , their business EXPLODES !
It ’ s okay to take a day or even a week to step back and decide what you REALLY want in your business . When you come back you can decide if you want to keep heading in the same direction or if you want to step into teaching programs that you really , truly , madly love .
Once you begin to talk about the things that LIGHT YOU UP , many of the pieces will fall into place . Clients will seem to come from nowhere , and you will wonder why you ever thought this was so hard .
Your community will grow , you ’ ll be invited to speak on podcasts and summits , and you ’ ll suddenly become the go-to expert in your area because YOU WERE AN EXPERT ALL ALONG !
That ’ s when you ’ ll realize that you have totally fallen back in love with your business .

About the Author

Amethyst Mahoney helps Spiritual Badasses take the World by storm by unleashing their Message , growing their cult community , and sharing their Gifts with the World . She is passionate about helping Tarot readers , Reiki healers , life coaches , VA ’ s , and social media managers who are intuitive find their clients and succeed online . Amethyst has built a Worldwide network of intuitives in more than 217 countries around the World . You can join us in our free , fun , supportive community at : https :// www . facebook . com / groups / spiritualbadassbusiness /
My website : https :// amethystmahoney . com /