Badassery Magazine Issue 8 January 2017 | Page 44

the Universe quickly . Sit or lay down , place your left hand on your heart , right hand on your solar plexus ( stomach ), set an intention ( to relax and let go ) and relax as you quiet your mind and become aware of your breathe . Twenty minutes is ideal , but start small first !
Journaling your experience , thoughts and emotions afterwards is profound way of releasing and letting go ! Writing down your desires , wishes and manifestations is another way you can journal . That way you can go back over time and reflect on how far you have come .
2 . AFFIRMATIONS . Affirming mantras or statements everyday helps change your mindset to a more positive state , allowing you to flow through life more at ease and with grace , as
well as helping you love yourself more . Oracle cards that have affirmations on them are also a good way to incorporate daily affirmations into your practice . I write affirmations on post-it notes and stick them around my house so I see them daily . They can be as simple as , “ I am love , I am light , I am beautiful .” Whatever you feel is true to you , affirm it . As long as you believe in the power behind it , it is yours !
3 . ENERGY SESSIONS . Everyday I give myself love and energy to help release the old , but sometimes you need someone to assist you balancing your chakras and clearing your energy . It doesn ’ t matter what you believe in or have done , but getting an energy session to clear out the old and bring in the new is a tremendous way to raise your vibration and treat yourself to a little “ me ” relaxation time !
4 . YOGA . Physical activity is an amazing way to show yourself some love and take care of you . There are so many different styles of yoga to experience ; any kind is going to do you well ! Find what you love and sweat ! Your body and mind will thank you later ! Starting the New Year with an exercise routine is the number one New Year ’ s goal , so jump on the bandwagon babe !
5 . SCRUBS & ESSENTIAL OILS . Pampering yourself is one of my favorites to start women off with a self-care practice !! It ’ s simple and does not require any additional time , if that is a concern for you . You can take a bath or shower , light a candle , have a glass of wine if you want in the bath and use a homemade sugar scrub !!
I ’ m going to give you a recipe for a eucalyptus sugar scrub , but feel free to use whatever essential oils you ’ d like ! Lavender , eucalyptus and peace and calming are my three favorites for scrubs . I use Young Living essentials , but use whatever you have !
Recipe : 1 . Combine coconut oil and one cup of the sugar in a bowl and mix until creamy . 2 . Add the essential oil while continuing to stir ; add coloring if your wish . 3 . Add the remaining sugar until the formula reaches the desired consistency . 4 . Scrub away and love your super soft skin .