Badassery Magazine Issue 8 January 2017 | Page 14

It took me many years , a handful of shitty relationships , years of depression , and a moment of “ Fuck . This . Shit .” to never look back . It ’ s not easy for those of us who have walked through multiple hells ; but it is doable ! Listen , if I calculated the years spent where I wasn ’ t true to myself and multiplied that by the times someone told me they liked me in a different way ; then took that number and divided by the times I felt like absolute shit about the person I had become , do you know what I would have ? ZERO FUCKING FUCKS !
Guess how many I ’ d have for those who would gasp and recoil at the audacity that I have to admit that I hate being a stay-athome mom ?! Guess how many I would have if someone told me that my Bachelor ’ s Degree is wasted because I didn ’ t go into
Criminal Justice and become a Blood Spatter Analyst like I * thought * I wanted to ? Guess how many I would have for starting in an MLM and realizing that I wasn ’ t helping the RIGHT people in the RIGHT way in order to light my soul on fire !? That ’ s right ! ZERO . Don ’ t get me wrong , I was one of those that had to work damn hard to get there !
I wrestled , fought , and punched the hell out of the idea of me branching out on my own and becoming a coach . I started with all the ‘ what ifs ’ and ‘ I cant ’ s ’ and it just got so exhausting . I had to do a lot of soul searching , something that I am really , RE- ALLY good at , in order to figure out what made me shine my big annoying flashlight on my light
AND dark ! But I did it .
Because of that I ’ m now able to help my clients realize that they don ’ t have to be stuck . They don ’ t have to hide under this shell that they ’ ve created around their best bits ! Empowering women to embrace and dance with the woman that they are is so incredibly fulfilling for me . Getting them to see just how amazing they are ( in life and their business ) makes their own flashlight reflect brighter . And I get to do that while still maintaining ME !
It is so important to me to be able to be myself ; not just because I ’ m helping others find and live more in their own muchness , but what kind of hypocrite would I be if I didn ’ t live , breath , and practice what I preach ? I ’ ve quit jobs in the past because they