Badassery Magazine Issue 2 July | Page 18

Six Books that Bosses Swear By by Samantha Parker A s a business owner your days of learning are never done. You have to consistently be evolving and stepping up your game. One of my favorite ways to gain perspective and new inspiration for my business is through reading. I know that even if I spent an entire lifetime, I would never make it through even a small fraction of books available out there. I try to listen to what other fellow business owners are swooning about or a pay close attention to a topic that I am personally drawn to. I think we all know, what works for someone else might not necessarily work for me. In order to help get your reading list buzzing, I compiled a list of my personal favorite books for inspiration and business. I also polled a handful of business friends to see what was on their summer must reading list. What you see below is the result 17 of a carefully crafted list of books that are sure to strike a buzz in your businesses life! Lucky Bitch by Denise Duffield-Thomas This book happens to currently be in my over stuffed bag! I’m am halfway through this well written piece of literature and I just can’t stop gushing about it. This book is all about changing your mindset and the way you focus on money to become one Lucky Bitch! Girl Boss by Sophia Amoruso I can literally credit this book to being one of the first inspirational business books I picked up last summer. It literally got me fired up and so excited to get to work. Every single time without hesitation, I will recommend this book first to any lady I