Badassery Magazine Issue 12 May 2017 | Page 57

H ow often have you spent the day feeling over- whelmed, aimlessly running hoping to check a few boxes off your “to do” list? Are you aware of the things you see, the people you meet, or even your own thoughts and feelings? Or have you become comfortably numb simply going through the motions of and errands of daily life? Would you prefer to remem- ber what brings you joy and to feel passionate and confident in every action you take? If you are aware of your values, make con- scious choices, and live mindfully in the present moment you live authentically, you feel empow- ered, and you will be successful, healthy, and confident. Core values are deeply held beliefs that govern your actions and behavior. Your sense of self, your identity, and how you view and respond to the world are all dictated by your core values. When you are not aware of them you may be reacting to people, places, and events based off of subconscious beliefs and values causing unnecessary trouble and drama. When you align your core values with what you think, speak, and do you live a life filled with purpose and passion. You need to become aware of your own unique values and be mindful of them in your daily life. There are numerous ways to begin to explore your core values. I suggest researching the internet and finding a large list of de- scriptive words. Go through the list several times over a week and then narrow the list down to only five core values. I cheated and had to keep six. I don’t follow rules to easily… BUT try… Those five will be words that describe you. Not who you would like to be or who you plan to be, simply who you are right now. The five core values you choose will be what you love, represent, and honor. They will be deal break- ers for you in relationships of all kinds. The values you choose reveal the truth of who you are, what you need, and the choices and behaviors you need to em- brace to live the life you desire. Once you are aware of your values it is time to practice being mindful of other things. Mind- fulness is simply being aware of your thoughts, emotions, or sensations in the present mo- ment without passing judgment on them. Mindfulness cultivates compassion for yourself and others. When you are mindful you have an understanding of yourself, those around you, and what your choices are. You make decisions that are in line with your core values; you honor and respect yourself and others, and you create an environment that supports peace and happiness. Over thirty years of research has proven that mindfulness actually changes the structure of your brain. The Amygdala which is responsible for flight or fight response actually shrinks. The Pre-frontal Cortex, which is responsible for all higher-level thinking, has an increase in gray 56