Badassery Magazine Issue 11 April 2017 | Page 4

Letter from the Editor... Fear is a dream killer. The fear of being visible, the fear of showing up, the fear of promotion, the fear of success. We all have fears and they hold you back every single day. Want to hear my two biggest fears? The first is guilt. I have worked hard to removed the word guilt from my mindset patterns. So much that now I even fear an activity that might cause guilt. Like right now...should I feel guilty for waking up early on a Sunday to write this? Should I feel guilty for not just laying in bed and resting or doing something for my sleeping family? Why do I fear guilt? The truth is the real me doesn’t give two fucks that I am up and feeling inspired. It feels great. BUT that’s trying to creep in. Asshole...I see you and today you will not win. My second biggest fear is judgment. I want everyone to like me. When people feel offended or don’t like what I am saying, I want to make it right. However, that is so incredibly impossible to do. Not everyone can like me and frankly I don’t want them all to...but every time I post online a little piece of fear pops in and says, “Sam...someone might not like this”! often have you heard me say- Not everyone is going to like it and that’s ok! So, why am I sharing this with you? Because it’s all mindset and we are all on this journey together. Stepping into a role of leadership was never something I set out to do. It was merely something I was given. Everyday I still have the same fears and the same mental turmoil that so many of you do to. Instead of cowering and deciding to take the easy route, laying in bed and not being seen, I push past those fears and those doubts. I decide to do it anyways and reap the results. Good or bad. Let me tell you something. During these times of fear when I push through, the good results out weight the bad a million times. If fear is holding you back from being the entrepreneur you were meant to be, it’s time to stand up and say enough. Everyday you turn your back on your dreams, is a day that fear won. How many more days are you willing to turn over to fear? Let’s move past the fear and start reaping those incredible results on the other side. Let’s be the rulers of our own destiny. xo, a h t n a m Sa 3