Badassery Magazine December 2017 Issue 19 | Page 77

About the Author
product or service to market because the website isn ’ t ‘ perfect ’. Here ’ s a thought . It ’ s okay to fly the plane as you build it . Sometimes , good is good enough . I wouldn ’ t want a brain surgeon operating on me with anything less than a perfect record . Yet , nobody and nothing is perfect . Everything can be improved . In such a rapidly changing society , we are constantly changing anyhow . Build your plane as you fly it . Take imperfect action . This is the only way to make progress .
Here ’ s to an abundant , healthy , and happy 2018 . Remember that you have the power within to be , do and have anything !

About the Author

Tandy Elisala is passionate about helping bring hope and wholehearted living to people going through cancer and their caregivers . She left her 23-year corporate career to take care of both parents simultaneously for 2 ½ years . As a 4-time cancer thriver , Tandy learned how to heal using conventional , complementary , and alternative therapy . She now teaches what she learned on her journey . Tandy is a cancer and family caregiver coach , radio show host , multiple best-selling author , speaker , and mom to three adult kids , one angel dog and one diva cat . http :// www . tandyelisala . com / dailydoseofhope

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