Badassery Magazine August 2018 Issue 27 | Page 9

NOTE FROM THE Artistic Director I HAVE A SECRET I shared a little secret I’ve been keeping in our Facebook Group, We Are Badassery, but I thought I’d write about it here, too. People always tell us to surround yourself with people who love, respect and support you for who you are...right Audit your top five. Right? I have a secret to share. The woman I hang out with the most pretty much treats me like shit. She is always making excuses as to why she can’t do things I desperately need. She says she’s on a deadline, she’s too tired, she wants to relax, or the show she’s watching is really good and doesn’t want to miss it. She looks at me and thinks about all the things she would change, like my bumpy red skin, my hanging arm flab, and my big roll that hangs over my belly button. She compares me to other people wondering why I can’t be like them. She thinks I should be ashamed of who I am. I know you are thinking I should stop hanging out with someone who treats me this way. It’s abusive. It’s TOXIC. But, my secret is, the woman I hang out with the most is ME. I haven’t been able to see the toxicity in my relationship with myself until about two weeks ago. I realized how I view myself and put everyone else before me was not only hurting my health, but it was perpetuating my abusive behavior. So I’m changing. I’ve already started with changing what I put in my body. I’ve been eating fresh foods instead of packaged, particularly anything GREEN. I have started drinking unheard of amounts of water and gave up coffee. (I know, coffee. Ah!) I’m treating myself like I’d treat my best friend. I look in the mirror and smile. I feel bold, confident, and want to spend time with ME instead of hiding behind my work and Netflix. And, guess what?! I’ve already lost 11 lbs. Being a badass is more than owning a business. It’s accepting who you are and not apologizing for it. It’s treating yourself like your best friend and being happy and fulfilled. It’s not ONE thing. It’s a lifestyle. Want to join me on my journey? I’ll be documenting my relationship with my new best friend (ME) in our new private membership, The Badassery Lifestyle. It’s only $17 per month to be part of this amazing, supportive community. I’m surrounding myself with people who love, respect and support me. Do it with me! LEARN MORE AND JOIN HERE! AUGUST 2018 • 9