Badassery Magazine August 2018 Issue 27 | Page 37

Because that is how life is supposed to be. Right?... Wrong! And I bet at some point along the way, you have worked for a complete A-hole who had no idea what they were doing, treated their staff badly and where probably equally unhappy with where they were. Most likely, operating from staff that kept them in big bonuses. I want to share with you: In fact, Star Wars captured it well… When you operate from a place of fear in any situation you are attracting what you fear the most. “Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” – Yoda, Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace, 1999 I heard that quote so many times. “WHEN YOU OPERATE FROM A PLACE OF CONTENTMENT AND TRUST YOU OPEN YOURSELF UP TO ANY POSSIBILITIES AND A LIGHTER WAY OF LIFE.” a position of fear – fear of being fired, being found out that they were punching, fear of losing the But the penny didn’t truly drop for me properly until I woke the eff up. Here is the light bulb moment And; When you operate from a place of contentment and trust you open yourself up to any possibilities and a lighter way of life. Simple… yes. Do we see memes of this type of comment all the time absolutely! Why aren’t we actually embracing this… and operating like this… “because it’s bullshit and it doesn’t work, I’m happy with my small sensible safe life thank you very much”. Wrong. AUGUST 2018 • 37