Badassery Magazine August 2018 Issue 27 | Page 10

THE MUSE WORKS IN Mysterious Ways THE IMPORTANCE OF EXPRESSING YOUR CREATIVITY by Mackenzie Clench “Where art thou, Muse, that thou forget’st so long, To speak of that which gives thee all thy might?” - William Shakespeare, Sonnet 100 M y dear and long-suffering reader, Western society seems suspicious, or even worse dismissive, of people who wish to pursue other avenues of creativity does it not? When we hear about a fashion model who wants to record an album, or an actor who writes a book, we snicker derisively, as if humans - particularly celebrity- flavoured humans it should be noted - should be content to conform to a single path and never stray from it. This was particularly true when I was younger, in the heady days of the 1980s and 90s. The idea that a singer might appear in a film seemed bizarre, even laughable. The fact that these creative experiments were often quite “BEING A CREATIVE HUMAN IS ALL ABOUT EXPERIMENTATION.” 10 • BADASSERY MAGAZINE successful - Madonna’s Golden Globe-winning performance in 1996’s “Evita” for example - didn’t seem to faze those who believed that once someone chose a field - modeling, acting, etc., they stayed there and never tormented us with their mystifying meanderings. It’s a bizarre reaction if you think about it. Being a creative human is all about experimentation. While some may stay within the confines of a particular discipline, others may succeed in their chosen field and later discover they have tremendous talent in other, entirely unrelated fields. For example, the late Leonard Nimoy of Star Trek fame was best known as an actor but was also an extremely prolific and skilled artistic photographer. The aforementioned Madonna is not only a chart-topping singer and