Badassery Magazine August 2017 Issue | Page 52

do something! Count ceiling tiles, run up and down the steps five hundred times, color, find a purple dragon with pink polka dots... You get the picture. You occupy them so you can do what you need to do which is exactly what Brittany was telling me I should do with my ego. That is precisely what I did. And thus, this article was born without the help of my ego! And ya know what? It’s way better than the ones I submitted last month anyway. Without rejec- tion, I never would have writ- ten this article. Without a great friend who I can bitch to, this never would have happened! Isn’t that such a beautiful fucking thing?! I am so grateful that I was rejected and I am even more grateful for the amazing friends like Brittany that I have in my life that help push me toward these great things. The moral of the story? Don’t be like me and become paralyzed by fear especially of something happening that has already happened anyway. If it’s already happened, what the hell do you have to be afraid of? That’s right, NOTHING. Next time your ego decides that he or she needs to be involved in whatever it is you’re trying to do to better yourself, send it to go look out for bears! Or in my case, those awful house centi- About the Author Hi lovelies! I am Melissa Bee. I am a fierce introvert who is passionate about mental health awareness and teaching people to turn their MESS into their MESSAGE. I am a mom to a gorgeous daughter Ella and I am married to a quirky Brit who goes by Wyndham. In addition to my human baby, I have a menagerie of fur-babies. I love to knit, read, play with makeup, and binge-watch TV medical dramas.   51 pedes that I am certain spawn straight from the depths of hell. Those things are legit terrifying. Sorry nature, I have mad respect but seriously, why the hell does anything need that many legs? Now go give your ego a job and go move mountains with your brilliance!! 