Badassery Magazine August 2017 Issue | Page 38

message out there. If you are reading this, you have access to the internet and a computer, you have the gifts already, it’s time to shine. You have all the resources required to start, build and grow any business, right now. I challenge you to take control of your bank account, change the world and shine your light. Loving money is the most freeing and spiritual thing you can do for yourself. Money brings secu- rity, peace of mind, it provides courses to develop your skills and hire coaches. Money delivers healthy foods and support. When you have more than enough you can give freely to charities and imagine how many lives you can change by donations of thou- sands of dollars. How many peo- ple you can touch for the better, how many healings you can give? Money brings choice. You choose how you spend your day, you choose your schedule, you choose where you spend your money. I know you want to only buy or- ganic, sustainable, earth friendly products but the truth is they cost more. Having more money is helping the whole world get paid better. That, my friend is as Spiritual as it gets. Create your own economy. Cre- ate your reality. You can invite in whatever you desire. Why not invite in your Soul’s purpose, time freedom, a rich bank ac- count? It is all here already. The business part is learnable, you have the gifts already, that’s the tough part. you wanting to get out and help others. You have been called by Source to step into Be-ing your Divine self. Step into being a lightworker. Remember, your gift can help solve somebody’s problem. That’s all you need