Badassery Magazine April 2018 Issue 23 | Page 54

further: possessing a vivid imagi- nation requires a defiant expecta- tion that life as we know it could be different, not just some day, but ASAP. If you practice building this kind of imagination, before you know it, you'll start making realistic yet bold demands from yourself and the people and sys- tems around you. Those demands will exude a defiant expectation for your life and your business to be more efficient, more profit- able, and all around better for your world! In taking a stand for this kind of imagination you will have no choice but to change the activity in your bank account. For example: If your life and our global environment would be so much better without the necessity of doing 4 loads of laundry in the water-wasting ma- chines 8 floors below, go make plans for your business' first hire to be a laundry service, not a social media assistant! 3. Practice Improvisation As you guessed, it's not just about making plans and imagining your life could be different. That sounds a little too good to be true, yes? Bravery is about *acting* on those desires. Use the friction of your fear to make different choices. I'm not an advocate for the "feel the fear and do it anyways" as I'm a firm believer our fear exists for a reason, it's important to listen to it. However, the reactions created by all that friction are from your im- provisational skills. We practice using fear’s friction by actively working within our lim- itations and constraints. Again, to practice this with the intention of building your bank account we're not talking tremendously huge feats of improvisation. Asking for help after practicing vulnerability is a perfect example of how natu- rally (or unnaturally) improvisation can play out. Or maybe after tak- ing a vulnerable look at your bank account you can sense that your "scraping the bottom of the bank account barrel" has inspired you to improvise with your constraints by making bean soup with home- made bone broth for dinner! (Deli- cious and super cheap!) Eventually, those of us skilled with improvising within our limitations will see the results of this practice appear in your bank account. May- be it'll be a spontaneous product announcement, or a last-minute, insanely successful product upsell. How do practicing these skills equal dolla dolla bills? Those tiny acts of vulnerability, imagination, and improvisation add up. If you commit to practicing these skills everyday, eventually you might find yourself making a spreadsheet with a honest financial forecast. You'll have a presence of mind to pull together the scary numbers. Vulnerability combined with imag- ination will have built up enough fortitude to read the numbers that foretell of your business' demise if you wait too long to launch your next product. My hope for you is that you'll have the vulnerability, imagination and improvisational skills to make that brand new book/product/course/ client package appear out of seemingly nowhere and -- BOOM -- land in your bank account.  In 2013, Emily Ann Peterson was diagnosed with a degenerative neurological hand tremor, which forever altered her two-decade livelihood as a cellist/cello teacher. Refusing to lose her life's love of expression, she knew she’d have to be brave. In an act of neurological defiance, she expanded into wider medi- ums and broke through her creative glass ceiling, opening the door to limit- less possibilities through songwriting. Her book Bare Naked Bravery: How to Be Creatively Courageous helps people from all walks of life understand what bravery really is - allowing them to step into it by creatively using vulnerability, imagination and improvisation. Her podcast, Bare Naked Bravery, features con- versations with everyday heroes and creative entrepreneurs about the quiet successes and loud failures required to do the brave things for which we know and love them. Alongside the podcast, Emily also facilitates a Facebook group that offers a welcoming, safe community for creative misfits to finally find be- longing and acceptance. Emily Ann Peterson 53     