Backspin dec_2017 | Page 5

narrominded Jake Narro, PGA professional, head golf coach at Southeastern Louisiana University and Backspin publisher Happy Holidays to all from the staff at Backspin. We are very thankful for many things as we close in on our third year of publications. When Amber and I decided to add Backspin to our already busy schedule I, being the conservative one in the family, was skeptical to say the least. Like everything else in our lives over the past 18 years, Amber took the bull by the horns and willed us through the tough times of the start up. I am very thankful for that as our magazine combines our professions of golf and journalism, and it would be an understatement to say it’s been a “labor of love.” Despite all of our efforts, which include my son Shayne, to make this venture go, it would not be going strong without the positive reaction from you, our readers. We are very thankful for not only the reading of the magazine, but it truly makes us glow when we bump into someone and get a “good job” or “we really enjoy your magazine.” Pride would be the emotion we feel when that happens, and for that, we are most thankful. Now that I have you buttered up, let’s talk about some things to get us better over the winter. Some of these tips will be actual golf stuff as in practice, but there will also be some advice as to how to get better while off the course. Let’s begin with some on the course routines that can get you ready for spring. First will be to work on your chipping and putting. The holidays and weather tend to take away our opportunities to play so why not use that limited time to practice. When the turf is soft from winter time rains and the temperature is a bit uncomfortable, practicing can be a lot easier than playing. Get a couple of lessons from your local PGA professional so you will be practicing good fundamentals. Find 45 minutes twice a week for some good practice. Short game one day and full swing for the other 45 minute session will work wonders over a three month stretch if taken seriously. I always felt if I could pure a seven-iron on less than firm turf, with more than one layer on while my hands were cold I could really hit it solid when the weather warmed up. How about that chip shot off of mushy turf that’s into the grain. If you can pull that one off over the winter, how easy do you think it will seem once the grass starts growing again? We all know the answer to that question. How many times have you heard someone say, and even said yourself, “It’s hard to swing when layered up”? Most of us over swing in our full swing so the feeling a being restricted is a good one. The reality is we’re not actually being restricted but we are swinging more within ourselves versus trying to make swings we’re not capable of. Hitting golf balls with layers on is actually training us to be a bit more efficient in our swing which not only improves accuracy and is also more powerful. How about hitting it longer and straighter? Now let’s move on to a couple of off the course improvements. First, will be assessing the makeup of your golf bag. This means what clubs you have in your bag and how they fit into your game. Do you need a new wedge to fill in a gap in the scoring area? How about a hybrid replacing a long iron. Is it time for a new driver? Once again consulting with your PGA professional is always the way to get the ball rolling. If you decide that a new club or clubs is in your budget, a fitting is in order. There is no reason to guess if a club is right for you with the technology available in the form of launch monitors, demos and professional guidance. Oh yeah, be sure to leave Santa a few extra cookies if you are lucky enough to get those new clubs. If new is not in your budget, there is a way to make then feel new. Treat yourself to some new grips. Regripping your entire set with the proper grip size and texture can give you that same confident feeling of new clubs. It can also help with ball flight if your grips are either too small or too big. Putter grips come in many shapes and sizes. Find one that feels good and fits your style of putting; it might be an easy change to better scores. The staff, my family, at Backspin hopes everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We are grateful for the opportunity to promote the game we love to our area in which we live. I hope you enjoy what we’re doing as we look forward to continuing our coverage of golf in the Gulf States section of the PGA of America. Jake 5