Backspin April_2018 | Page 30

he’sbaaacckkkk. After 18 months of flood cleanup, John Schneider Studios is open for business. He’s jumping the General Lee to celebrate and guest starring in a golf tournament to raise money for MusiCares. John Schneider Studios was active, bringing Hollywood to Holden, Louisiana, and serving as the film site for movies such as “Smothered,” “Anderson Bench” and “Like Son.” The studio was alive and celebrating talent, particularly that of independent film makers who often cannot afford the price tags at traditional studios. And then August 2016 happened. The rain came down and kept falling, flooding the Tickfaw River and drowning the hard work and effort at John Schneider Studios. Decades of memories, props, wardrobe and plans washed away. Even a hot tub was removed from its foundation, never to be found. For additional heartbreak, Schneider’s mother, who lived on the studio grounds, died 30 one month after the storm. He remembered that she was one of the many who didn’t understand why it was impossible to go back home after the flood. Schneider spent many nights as his neighbors did, sleeping in what was left over of his home and trying to figure out where to start. “It was overwhelming,” he said. “Stuff was everywhere, and a lot of other stuff was just gone.” But now, 18 months after the August 2016 thousand-year flood, the studio is ready for business. A team of dedicated people, including Event Producer Alicia Allain, met, worked, and physically rebuilt the studio. Schneider’s dream is evident in every nail. Allain said Bo’s Extravaganza will celebrate the grand re-opening of the studio, giving guests a backstage tour of this beautiful 58- acre property that houses countless sets and opportunities for creativity. He has rebuilt it. They will come. And they’re coming the first full weekend in April. On April 7-8, John Schneider Studios will transfer from a quiet massive collection of sets and stages to a true extravaganza, complete with car chases and jumps, music, dancing and a car show. Bo’s Extravaganza is the first event to reopen John Schneider Studios. In celebration of Schneider’s April 8th birthday, he will jump the General Lee for the first time. Yes, that is correct. He has never actually jumped the General Lee, and he is ready to finally tell people what it was like to do it.