BABY MAMA April 2016 | Page 9

gloss it looked like ejaculate. Ah, maybe that was the point? Feet were shoved into heels you’d have historically expected to see inverted up a stripper pole. No imagination was required, nothing was restrained or alluded to; individuality eradicated, it was a smorgasbord of sex. I saw one woman’s nipple. Socially that’s a bit confusing. I wondered if I should raise my glass to her Bacchanalian freedom or whisper to her that she may want to check her frock as she was more out than in. When did this happen? Did I miss the moment? Has Barbie won the war? Is it our choice or have we been hoodwinked? Is this postfeminist landscape when we get to exercise our emancipation by looking like porn stars? Does our obsession with sex, youth, and desirability blot out other much more meaningful ways of expressing ourselves sartorially? Does it impair our capacity to truly connect with the opposite gender on a level playing field? Where is self value? What kind of role models are we? I want my daughters to grow up to live lives as meaningful contributors, not as sexual ornaments or as jail bait. So my core question is, why and how did it come to be that heterosexual women now dress predominantly to ignite sexual desire in men? When did it all become about the male gaze? Are we being churned up in Beyoncé’s wake? She is apparently the embodiment of feminine power, emancipation, and talent. Oh, the deep irony that she displays this by performing strip routines, clad in fishnets and G-strings, in throes of orgasmic ecstasy. As a feminist I believe everyone has the right to dress however they see fit, and I do think Beyoncé is magnificent, but I wonder if we women are lost. Has the porn industry seeped up though our floorboards and we’re all a little infected? Have those gargoyles the Kardashians poisoned our air with their obscene vanity and vacuity and we’re all slowly being brainwashed? What is the conversation you want your clothes to ignite? For whom do you dress? How do the men in your life answer these questions? My own style changes from year to year, sometimes day to day, based on my mood, my budget, and my influences. So wha