BABY MAMA April 2016 | Page 8

HAS E I B R BA WON THE ? R A W Zoe Coyle I was at a lavish cocktail party recently and looked about me with a realization that made my features contort like I’d been flicked between the eyes. The women, nearly all of them, were dressed for sex. Not for style, glamour, creativity, comfort. Not for humor or dignity, and certainly not to encourage intellectual engagement. I was surrounded by vertical sex dolls. The event was a fundraiser, and the men were all dressed in traditional suits. Why is it in the wild it’s the male birds that wear the beautiful feathers? And once they’ve found a mate they pop them away. Not we humans! My husband laughed at my confusion and said, “I guess this is what the set of a porn shoot would look like.” The women’s outfits at this party were tight and small, breasts and thighs exposed, gowns slashed at the back and front, flesh was unnaturally browned, lashes Miss Piggy-heavy. Hair was wind-machine tousled, eyebrows frozen with Botox, mouths glistening with so much lip