BABY MAMA April 2016 | Page 6

greedy for wanting another? It’s no wonder infertility and secondary infertility often go unspoken by many. That day, when I found myself walking in a daze out of the specialist’s office, it sounded like a dirty word, like I did something wrong, or something I did or didn’t do could have prevented this from happening. I felt broken, ashamed, and betrayed by my body. All of my life, I’ve been told to trust doctors; they are the experts. The man I saw that day was a reputable doctor with a reputable practice. He went to a top medical school, and he practiced at one of the best hospitals in the country. Who was I to question him? The numbers don’t lie, and this is how it is, I thought. But his telling me I couldn’t have a child on my own lit a fire in me to do just that. Was I fooling myself in believing I could prove these statistics wrong? I took to the Internet to immerse myself in resources, education, forums, blogs—you name it. And I found that one in eight couples are diagnosed with infertility. According to the Centers for Disease Control