B2B with a Twist Publication - Work • Stay • Play October Edition Work Stay Play Summer 2017-18 Edition | Page 19

The council is up and running, Mayor elected, meetings underway, some committee’s determined, numerous briefing sessions happening and some of the issues highlighted in the election build up being addressed, but so much more to be done. With that very brief appraisal, I ask for community patience and understanding of the task ahead for this council. One can’t understate the job ahead. From someone who has had experience in local government (20+years) can I say that I’m impressed with the diversity, knowledge and commitment that my colleagues bring to the table. Whilst it is still early days, I know we will not always agree, but these individuals who will be ultimately responsible for the future of the Central Coast, for the not only the next 3 years, but responsible for laying I seek patience, because time is needed to allow all councillors to get up to speed, to build their knowledge and settle in to the task ahead. Changes to systems, procedures, legislation, even for those with previous experience, take time. Understanding that it’s a full-time commitment as a councillor, it’s there because they don’t clock off for the day, every day in everything they do, they’re still the councillor, answering questions at the kids sport or school event, taking on concerns and complaints whilst out shopping with the family, etc. That loss of family and personnel space is the hardest thing to come to grips with, as will it be with aspects of the media, who wouldn’t let the facts get in the way of a good story. Mark Twain, said “if you don’t read the paper you’re not informed, if you do read it your misinformed”. Some in media has already shown their hand in wanting to talk it down - not talk it up. All challenges for the council and councillors ahead, but I for one, am confident and positive that the road ahead for the CENTRAL COAST is good. Chris Holstein Deputy Mayor Of the elected representatives, 25% less in number to the total of the 2 previous councils, two thirds of the councillors are new to the role. All are responsible for - the 330,000+ residents; an asset base of $9.5 billion; an annual budget of $760 million; in an area covering 1,681 sq kms; and community expectations in a council that is the 6th largest urban area in Australia and the 3rd biggest in NSW. the foundation for the future, are committed to the region, is positive. 19