Ayurveda Mantra Issue 1 | Page 41

Combinations of Gunas (properties) in six Rutus are as follows (Ah. Su.l2/ 19, 20, 21) Seasonal fluctuations in Guna and Dosha status (Classical) Guna (Properties) Season + Body English Calender Hindi Calender May-June Garishma Sheeta + Ruksha etc. July-August Varsha Sheeta + Tikshna etc. Sharad Jan-Feb Kapha shaman Ushna + Ruksha etc. Vata Sane hay Vata Prakop Pitta sanchay --- Vatta Shaman - Kapha Sanchay Shishir Sheeta + Snigdha etc. Conclusion Status of the Doshas depends upon the combination and order of the properties (Guna) appearing in the different seasons. The main properties (Guna) are Ushna - Sheeta (Hot - Cold), an association of other properties like Ruksha - Snigdha (Dry - Unctuous) and Tikshna Manda (Sharp - Dull). Due to changes in the seasons, it effects the status of the Doshas like Sanchaya (accumulation), Prakopa (aggravation) and Prashama (alleviation). We can predict the seasons from the signs seen in a particular place at a particular time and then plan a seasonal regimen for that time by assessing the properties in different places on the earth on these parameters. In the next article, we will view one of the few places on the globe as an example to show how seasons can be identified. Author - Dr. Sudipt Kumar Rath, M.D ( Ayu ) Gold medalist , Ph.D. Assistant Professor, P.G. Dept. of Dravyaguna, National Institute of Ayurveda (An Autonomous body Under the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India) Jaipur, India Dr. Rath has more than 15 years of experience in teaching, training and research on the topic. He has worked in medicinal plants R & D for 7 years within the Industry in a Plant- Product-People holistic approach and subsequently joined N.I.A. as a faculty member in 2009. Dr. Rath is a staunch believer that without incorporating the principles of Ayurveda, the Ayurvedic herbs cannot sustain the global expectations. His core area of interest is Fundamental Principles of Ayurvedic Medicine, Rational and Scientific use of Ayurvedic herbs, Research Methodology of Ayurvedic Herbs, Strategic Global Placement of Ayurveda and Sustainable Management of Medicinal Plants Resources. 4 1 ~ MANTRA Issued Feb/ Mar 2016