Ayurveda Mantra Issue 1 | Page 37

GUIDELINES There are 4 basic types of fasting in Ayurveda : 1. Eating o nly light foods. 2. Consuming only fruits, vegetables or juices. 3. Absta ining from solid foods and drin king on ly w ater or herba l tea. 4. Abstaining from both food and w ater. The followi ng recommendations are for people who are healthy according to their body constitutions. For people withhealth problems, it is advised to follow the fa st that is advised for the dosha that is most im balanced. Signs of effective fasting. After a fast, one shou ld experience: - Lightness in the body, in crea sed energy and mental clarity. - Regular bowel movements, wi t hout gas or bloating. - A clea n tongue and fresh breath. As mentio ned before, different t ypes of fa sting are possible and these are merely recommendations. We ca nnot cease to under line though, t hat if you consider fasting,please consult your Ayurvedic practitioner or ask for professionalguidance. Dr. Anil Kumar Mehta, Director, Founder of EISRA (European Institute of scientifi c Research on Ayurveda) Esd.1989