Ayurveda Mantra Issue 1 | Page 26

the appetite and produces anagreeable sensation . Ginger mixed with honey and hot water, can also be used as an excellent remedy for non-specific coughs and cold s. Gingerboiled in water with fennel seeds and mixed with honey is anexcellent diaphoretic mixture w hich increases sweating to reduce feve r in influenza. It also acts as an expectorant in bronch itis, asthma, whooping cough and phthisis. Half teaspoonful of dried Ginger powder m ixed w ith honey andtaken with a half-boiled egg o nce daily at night for a month w ill toneu p t he sex stimulating centers and helps to cure impotency, premature ejaculation and spermatorrhoea. A similar recipe ofGinger added with boiled milk, also helps to cure female-frigidity. J.{oJerYf. re~eOtrch OYf. the u~e o{- :JiYf.9£I Digestive System Actions: Ginger is a cla ssic tonic for thedigestive tract . Classified as a bitter aromatic, it stimulat esdigestion and keeps the int estinal muscles toned . Thi s action eases the t ran sport of substances through the digestive tract, lessening irritation to the intestina l walls. Ginger mayprotect the stomach from the damaging effect of alcoholand non-steroida l antiinflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen) and may help prevent ulcers. Allergies and asthma: Dried ginger can help in the management of allergies and asthma by offsetting the effect of theplatelet-activating factor (PAP). PAP initiates inflammatoryprocesses in allergy and asthma. It was found t o become more active after changes in blood chemistry that occur ina high-fat diet. Atherosclerosis and high cholesteroi:{Arthritis, bursitis, fibrocysticbreasts, lymphedema, and pain) Ginger inhibits the production of immune-syst em compon ents called cyt okines. Thesechemicals are beli eved t o create a long-term t endency toward inflammation. Ginger also stimul at es blood circulati on.These effects of ginger are taken adva ntage of in treatinga number of disorders marked by swe lling and pain, suchas arthritis. Studies have also shown that ginger can relievepain without the side effect s t ypi cally found w hen usingnonst eroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and steroids. Anti-nausea/Anti-vomiting Actions: Research is inconclusive asto how ginger act s t o alleviate nausea. Ginger may act directlyon th e gastrointestinal syst em or it may affect the part of th ecentral nervous system that ca uses nausea. It may be thatginger exerts a dual effect in reducing nausea and vomiting. Fever, influenza and sore throat: Ginger contains a chemicalcalled zingibain that dissolves parasites and t heir eggs . In labo rat ory t ri als, ginger extracts have been shown to kill t he anisakidworm (a parasite occasionally found in raw fish) within sixt eenh ours. Ginger tea is useful as a supplement in treating schist osomiasis, a parasitic disease also known as bilharzi a, bilharziosisor snail fever. IN A NUTSHELL, wonderful multipurpose recipes can also be self-creat ed wit h Ginger for a wond erful cure of any ailm ent. Forregular use, the Vedic texts suggest a dose of 1/2 to 2 gramsof dried Ginger powder w ith honey t wo to three tim es dai ly. Majority of Ayurved ic rem edies contain ginger inone fo rm or anoth er as an effective porti on of th e complex herbal formulati ons. It is sa id t hat Ginger alone ca n make even t heilliterate person a successful physician.