Ayurveda Mantra Issue 1 | Page 25

4-yurvedic corrcept _
] rtA . Jitio1tA .( u ~ e ~ of ffl1ff £ r i1 i1ditA . 1 cu ( ture ' ...
4-yurvedic corrcept _
The most sattvic of ~ pices is known as Ginger in Inglish and Sonth or Adrakhin traditional Indian texts . According to Ayurveda , it hasKatu-rasam ( bitter taste ), Ushnaveeryam ( hot potency ), Vata-kapha-har-prabhavam ( blemish correcting effect on air and phlegm ), Katuvipakam ( pungent after-effect ), Laghu-snigdha-gunam ( mild and unctuous property ) and is valuable as a suppressant and remedy for ' Kapha and Vatta ' disorders . lt 1 i § llllllld lU MJi § II AOb Blll !§ lldj ( HI @ 61110 @/ salffled ' f­ cine ) and Maha-aushadhi ( wide-spectrum medicine ).
A very important concept in Ayurveda is that of Agni ( the digestive and metabolic fire ). If food and other inputs are properly burnt up , processed and digested ,
Ginger , in its ancient references , has been called Maha- aushidhi ( a Great Medicine ) and used as a carminative and anti-fermenting medici ne . Ginger is esteemed for its flavor , pungency , aroma and medicinal value . Even Greek physicians like Galen , Aviceena , Pomose etc . have been using Ginger , in various forms , to rectify the imbalancement of morbid functions of body , treatment of they will not create the toxin calledAma which is destroyed by Agni , improved by ginger . In traditional Chinese medicine , removing toxin is one of the major uses of ginger . It is given as an antidote to poisoning from food , from drugs and from other herbs . Vata is suppressed by a sweet taste , sweet metabolite and Kapha is due to its hot nature . Ayurveda considers gingera pungent herb par excellence , it does not have the concentrated irritant pungency of chilli , which can sometimes be too strong . Yet , it is irritant enough to challenge the muscle and blood vessels and wake them up . Ginger also challenges the internal organs , particularly the digestive system , where it is said to awaken the agni . Symptoms of lowagni include poor digestion , poor ab ' sorption , poor circulation , constipation , poor resistance , a tendency to catch cold and influenza , congestion , body odors and obesity ( all ' latter because there is insufficient fire to balance the water ). known that a more important action is ~~ - ~ to create more · complete digestion and 41F '"~~~!!~ foods further up in the digestive ' • • , channel . It can be seen to bring blood to the stomach walls and that it has been proved to be what is known as a
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cholagoguewhich means it stimulates the flow of bile ; this is certainly an advantage in the digestion of fats and the elimination of waste . It helps absorption of the other constituents . Ginger acts as an aromatic , carminative , stimulant , sialagogue and digestive and 1s used w1th success in nervous diseases and as an Aphrodisiac . It relieves gas and cramps in the abdomen , including menstrual cramps due to cold .

] rtA . Jitio1tA .( u ~ e ~ of ffl1ff £ r i1 i1ditA . 1 cu ( ture ' ...

paralysis caused by phlegmatic imbalance , t reatment of gout and gouty arthritis and even as an aphrodisiac .
The calorific value of Ginger has been rated 67 . Fresh ginger has been used for cold-induced disease , nausea , asthma , cough , colic , heart palpitation , swellings , dyspepsia , loss of appetite , and rheumatism . Ginger is useful for taste and appetite as a food-seasoning spice for all kinds of foods and can be added to tea . In nineteenth century India , one English writer observed that a
---All of these probl ' ems are precisefYthos _ e _ w .....,.. h
... lc "'" n _ g _ m _ g _ e _ r _ - popular r : emedy for c ~ ugh and asthma consisted of the
treats . An imported concept in Ayurveda is that of Agni , or digestive and metabolic fire . lf food and other inputs are properly burnt up , processed and digested , they will not create toxin , called ' Ama ', which collect in deposits around the body . The furring up of the arteries with cholesterol is a kind of ' Ama ' deposit , as is arthritic detetopped riorations of joints . When agni is improved by ginger , it
with a pinch of burnt peacock feathers . juice of fresh ginger with a little juice of fresh garli c , mixed with honey . Ginger in paste form with a bit of water can also be applied topically as a pain-reliever for headaches and toothache . A paste of dried ginger powder is applied to the temples to relieve headache . To allay nausea , fresh ginger is mixed with a little honey ,
destroys ' Ama '. The poisons and digested wastes are
The use of Gingeras a regular spice reduces the risk of
removed . Digestive symptoms such as nausea which are
indigestion , flatulence , dyspepsia , hyperacidity etc . due
the result of toxins are treated and in the long term ,
to heavy intake ofnon-vegetarian and fried fatty foods .
conditions such as atherosclerosis , allergies and rheu-
Ginger strained after boiling with water , and by adding
matic problems are prevented . It greatly inhibits the
freshlemon juice and a pinch of rock salt can also be
bacteria in the colon that work away at any undigested
used as an appetite stimulant , taken just before meals .
sugars , creating gases . But at the same time it is now
tongue ,
throat ,
25 ~ MANTRA Issued Feb / Mar 2016