AWOM JOURNAL Issue 1 | Page 35


Christina Front

“ Even a dead clock shows the right time twice a day .”

An angel is comforting , providing , guiding . We feel them even when they ’ re not around . I would consider my grandmother , Amparo , my angel from the beginning . She ’ s from Spain . She ’ s been a hair dresser all her life . She is into home remedies , and all that . She ’ s very healthy , but she ’ s getting older and I ’ m worried about the day that ’ s coming . She ’ s 86 now . When I was young , she saved my life . I was born into a family of drugs . My mom tried to kill me when I was born , and she ended up going to jail . If it wasn ’ t for my grandma calling my dad to come home and take me to the hospital , I probably would have been thrown in the trash . My mom left me , and my grandma pretty much raised me . My dad tried , but he was young and into drugs .

I have my daughter now , and she is my angel too . She is twelve , but she ’ s been through a lot . She lost her father in a motorcycle accident . He and I got pregnant at a young age . We wanted it . Then she came , and he was the happiest man alive . He was a dancer for the Miami Heat . He was going to make it , but then the accident happened . He was on a respirator for three years . Now he ’ s breathing on his own , but he ’ s still in the hospital fighting for his life and he ’ s braindead . When the accident happened , my daughter comforted me . She would tell me , “ It ’ s okay mom . It will be okay .” I lean on her .
I use everything that ’ s happened as motivation . After the accident , it became just me taking care of my daughter . I had to stand up for her . I graduated college , got a great job , and started putting her through dance classes and school . She ’ s growing up to be a beautiful young lady . I write about it , and I want to inspire people through this story . I cope by using the negativity and focusing on the positive in every situation . I saw a meme the other day that said , “ Even a dead clock shows the right time twice a day .” Ain ’ t that the truth ?