AVS Newsletter March 03 2017

Fortnightly News
March 3rd 2017
Dear Parents and Carers
The power of success as a motivator was brought home to me today , when one of our Year 9 students stopped in the corridor to show me that he had just passed the second module of his ECDL ( European Computer Driving Licence qualification ). The young man concerned has had a mixed journey through school and for much of Year 7 and 8 has struggled to fit in and to achieve . What a difference can be seen a few months into Year 9 ; he is really flourishing on his GCSE courses and , with two out of four modules down , on the way to completion of his qualification , he is really seeing the benefit of his change in attitude , and the positive responses that this brings from staff .
All of us need to feel that we are making a success of things and teachers at Avon Valley work hard to ensure that learning is broken down into accessible pieces . This enables students to build up their knowledge and understanding on a day to day basis , so that all can succeed . The school also works hard to celebrate this success through a whole raft of rewards : positive comments , House points , Gold Book assemblies , Headteacher ’ s Awards , Awards Evening - it really is quite a long list .

Year 8 Parents Evening

Year 8 Parents / Carers are invited to our Parents ’ Evening on Thursday 9th March from 4.30- 7.30pm
We look forward to seeing you . Please remember to book your appointment online at www . parentseveningsystem . co . uk
There will be an opportunity for you to sign up to the School Gateway . The Schoolcomms Gateway is the Parent Communication System that keeps you in touch with all aspects of school life . Download the App today !
Students value our comments as professionals , mentors and guides but , for the majority , the people whose praise matters the most are parents , carers and immediate family . Please do take the time to talk to your child about their achievements and to share your pride in what they do . They may pretend that they are too cool to care – but I can assure you that they do !
Alison Davies Head Teacher
Don ’ t forget to follow @ AvonValleySch on Twitter and AvonValleySchool on Facebook for up-to-date information and news