AVS Newsletter January 13 2017 | Page 4


I would like to take this opportunity to wish parents , carers and students a Happy New Year . During the festivities of the last week of term , all students carried out a reflection on their attitude to learning and progress made during the autumn term . Well done to all those students who had improved their attitude to learning and / or were graded 4 or above . However , those students whose progress check highlighted an attitude to learning of 3 or below will be spoken too and encouraged to improve their efforts , and in some cases put on report card .
Success or failure is not determined by a fixed intelligence , but by the choices that students make . Previous disappointing exam results or attitude to learning grades do not reflect a limit on a student ’ s ability , but should be viewed as signs that a change is necessary . Individuals all have different intellectual abilities that we are born with . However , effort levels are not fixed ; students can control them .
Effort is what is reflected in the attitude to learning and those students who put in the effort and engage with their learning are more likely to make greater progress and achieve greater success . This is particularly pertinent to Year 11 students who sat their pre public exams in December . For some , the results will be pleasing ; demonstrating that the time and effort spent revising has paid off . For some , the results will be disappointing ; illustrating that the time and effort they spent revising was not enough and that greater attention to detail is still required .
For others , the results will be a shock , a wake up call to the fact that examination success is something that has to be earned . Time has to be set aside to thoroughly prepare .
Successful revision is time consuming but the results will create opportunities that can impact a lifetime . The next PPE will start the week commencing 27th February .
Encourage your child to begin preparations for them now , so that the results will be higher than before . Good luck .


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House Points Competition current half-term