AVS Newsletter December 22 2017 | Page 14

Geography The words of Michael Palin have had a real resonance in geography lessons this term. Year 10 and 11 have been studying a topic called ‘The Challenge of Managing Resources’ which looks at the significance of food, water and energy consumption on the economic and social wellbeing of the global population. The topic also required students to complete an in-depth study on the resources available to the UK. Students have examined the growing demand for high-value food exports from low income countries and the impact transporting this food has on the environment. Students have questioned the sustainability of the UK’s resource management strategies both at present and into the future. Key Stage 3 have worked really hard this term. Year 7 should now have a wide range of geographical skills so they need never be lost again! They are currently studying a topic all about the UK; so far they have found out where the highest population densities are and where in the UK you would earn the highest wages. Year 8 are currently investigating why we have earthquakes and volcanoes; the students have a genuine interest in this topic and have been asking some brilliant questions.