AVS Newsletter December 16 2016 | Page 6

The launch of the AVS 50 Reading Challenge has been received with great enthusiasm by the students in school . It is wonderful to see the library buzzing with students searching for books and wanting to read ; it has now become a hive of activity at break and lunch times . More importantly , every student in school is being given the opportunity to visit the library on a regular basis to choose a book to read and time has been put aside for them to read their chosen book .
It is encouraging that some of our more reluctant readers are now picking books up and enjoying reading and that the students generally are reading more challenging books .
Here are some of the comments made by Year 7 students about the AVS 50 Reading Challenge :
“ AVS 50 is a good idea . It will make us better readers ” “ AVS 50 gives young people a chance to read books that they wouldn ’ t usually read ” “ Before AVS 50 I didn ’ t enjoy reading but I do now ” ‘” wasn ’ t brilliant at the start of AVS 50 but now I read a lot and have improved ”
Since the launch of AVS 50 in September , 19 students have met the challenge and read their first 5 books ; a very positive start which is sure to escalate and gain popularity going forward in to 2017 and beyond .


Music bursaries
The three Rotary Clubs of Rugby have set up a Charitable Fund to provide music bursaries to enable young people in Rugby to continue with their musical education .
For the coming year The County Music Service will still be able to offer 50 % fee remissions to those children whose family income is £ 16,190 or less . The bursaries will offer to fund the other 50 % to make a total fee remission of 100 % to this group .
In addition to this the bursaries will also offer fee remissions of 50 % to those children whose total family income is above £ 16,190 but less than £ 20,000 .
For further information please check out the Rotary Club of Rugby ’ s website http :// www . rugbyrotary . org . uk / Applications are also available in school .