Aviation Photojournal November - December 2015 | Page 12

As 2015 comes to a close, we here at Aviation Photojournal have been reflecting on what has been an incredible first year for APJ.

From Red Flag to Razor Talon, from the F-35 and the F-22 to the last ever glimpses of the Avro Vulcan in flight, and from air show to air show...to air show, 2015 was a very busy year for the APJ staff! We literally traveled the globe to bring you an in-depth look at these amazing machines and their intrepid pilots and crews.

During 2015, we have published close to 500 pages of content, reached over 1,000,000 people via social media and have had hundreds of thousands of readers from over 120 countries. We are truly humbled by the support we receive from our fans and readers and to each and every one of you we say THANK YOU!

We wish you and your families and happy and healthy holiday season and we're looking forward to bringing you more great content in 2016!

Dan Adams


New York, November 2015


Dan Adams


Ricardo von Puttkammer

Chief Correspondent

James DeBoer

Senior Correspondent

Stefan Seville

Correspondent (US)

Aaron Rumfallo

Correspondent (US)

Michele Giardini

Correspondent (Italy)

Rob Hynes

Correspondent (Australia)

Takeshi Shinoda

Correspondent (Japan)

Eric Esterle

Contributor (US)

David F. Brown

Contributor (US)


From the editor

Vulcan XH558, the last flying Vulcan in the world, banks dramatically over the waters of the English Channel. For more stunning images from our flight with XH558, turn to page 14.

APJ/dan adams