Autonews Issue 2, 2017 Autonews digital magazine Edition 2 Q2- covers•• | Page 15



AA Kenya to play a bigger role in road safety agenda

This is an excerpt of an interview with Dr Manoj Shah who seats on various commitees at AA Kenya
Wearing a seat-belt reduces the risk of a fatal injury by : Up to

50 %

for front seat occupants
Seat-belt laws should cover both front and rear seat occupants

105 countries have good seat-belt laws in line with best practice

Seat-belt laws by country
Best practice
Up to

75 %

for rear seat occupants
This covers

4.8 billion people

1 . How can AA Kenya enhance its role in road safety in the years to come ?
AA Kenya will be a strong and highly visible advocate of road safety . We shall proactively engage in debates to fast track culture change within the public to improve road use . We shall engage local and foreign partners and find effective ways to decrease the fatalities on our roads .
2 . What new partnerships would make the role of reducing road crashes more effective ?
We are already working with NTSA and other government authorities to educate the public through joint activities . We are the only association that works actively with children . Through the Safe Walk to School programme we will work to reduce the death and injury of children . Other initiatives like Msamari Mwema are creating more responsible road users . We will engage the media to make road safety an recurrent and topical issue in the news .
3 . How would a more organized public transport system help reduce road fatalities ?
Organised public transport means better road design , management , as well as a more informed road user . Every pedestrian should interact with the road network and vehicles more appropraitely . We support the government intiatives to improve the current public transport and mobility solutions . An effective urban transport solution that includes the use of higher capacity vehicles is urgently needed .
4 . How does the influx of used vehicles for public transport impact road safety ?
Most used vehicles are not sufficiently tested for local use in the public transport sector . This should be made mandatory and all defective vehicles must not be allowed unto our roads . Many used vehicles are imported and converted for public transport without the necessary safety checks . We should encourage production of vehicles that are designed for local conditions .
5 . How can AA Kenya improve the use of seat belts in public transport vehicles ?
We have a lot of work to do in educating the public on the importance of seat belts . If effectively used thousands of lives will be saved . Seat belts also reduce injuries in the event of an accident by 75 %. It is my firm belief that seat belts are not
Seat-belt law applies to all occupants Seat-belt law applies to front seats occupants No seat-belt law or law applies to driver only
Not applicable Data not available
Global status report on road safety 2015 www . who . int / violence _ injury _ prevention / road _ safety _ status / 2015 / en /
being used effectively especially by passengers in both private and public service vehicles . This shall be our focus in the months and years to come .
6 . Is drink driving still a big problem in Kenya and how can AA intervene to assist NTSA ?
This is currently a very contentious issue that requires political will and public support . NTSA has done a commendable in changing the mindset of the public through enforcement . That not withstanding certain parties are opposing these laws . AA will do its part to educate the general public and drivers on the need to avoid drink driving .
7 . How does road design impact the accidents on our roads and how can we improve this ?
Design plays a crirtical role in reducing road fatalities . Accidents are caused by many factors but speed is one of those that can be addressed by good design . We need better road signage to guide drivers , pedestrians , cylists and other non-motorized road users . Roads near schools and highly populated residential areas should and can be made safer .