Autistic Spectrum Digest (Autism) Issue 8, June 2014 | Page 8

The News in Review Cambridge – The Cabin, autism centre given £800,000 for a new building The Cabin, Comberton Village, Cambridge – is an Autism Centre and has been given £800,000 for a new building to replace classrooms with ‘leaky roofs and wobbling floors’ the Cambridge News reports. Councillor Doug Ford defends comments about autism home ‘ruining’ the community Toronto, Canada – A councillor has been blasted for lack of support to a troubled half way house and autism support centre The Griffin Centre in Ontario, Canada. Doug Ford Councillor for East York ward, was quoted as saying that the centre had ruined the community in a meeting of concerned neighbours. Girl Dies Awaiting Legalization of Medical Marijuana Seven year-old Lydia Schaeffer passed away on Mother’s Day while awaiting access to the CBD oil that may have saved her life. She suffered from a rare chromosome disorder known as Kleefstra syndrome, along with epilepsy and autism. Her mother, Sally Schaeffer, was a prominent advocate for the legalization of medical marijuana in Wisconsin. .