Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 87 (Member's Dashboard) | Page 41

COMMUNICATION speech in later years. In fact, there is a growing be- lief in the speech therapist community that systems such as PECS have beneficial impacts on speech de- velopment and will reduce the frustration and anxi- ety children feel by their lack of speech development. PECS can also be used as visual cues or visual sched- ules to display step-by-step sequences for learning everyday activities, such as how to brush our teeth, getting dressed, and using the toilet. PECS is considered low-technology as it does not in- volve an external power source. Today, there are oth- er sophisticated aids which supplement or replace speech, known as augmentative and alternative communication  (AAC) aids. These require an exter- nal power source such as batteries or electricity. AAC aids permit the storage and retrieval of electronic messages, symbols, and pictures, and allow the user to communicate using a speech output. For example, at the same time the symbol or picture is touched on the AAC device, the device produces a voice saying the word out loud. More than a decade later, there are now symbol-supported communication apps like Proloquo2Go which can be programmed direct- ly into an Android or iPad. Quick Tips: • With a special needs child, you need to be ready to research and investigate all possible sources of help and support. • Picture card systems like PECS and AAC devices can make a dramatic difference with children with special needs, including autism, speech impairment, and deafness. • Devise visual reward systems to use with your child to show them progress and to offer rewards for tasks completed. • As much as possible, ignore difficult behaviors and concentrate on encouraging positive and cooperative behaviors. • Challenging behaviors, distress, and anxiety can stem from your child’s frustration at not being able to communicate. • Be consistent in your approach between carers when implementing an intervention. Dr. May Ng, MBBS (Hons), FHEA, FRCPCH, MSc, LLM, PhD, is a con- sultant pediatric endocrinologist and honorary senior lecturer at the University of Liverpool, Unit- ed Kingdom. She completed her undergraduate degree under full scholarship at the University of Sydney, Australia, and her pedi- atric training in Australia and the United Kingdom. She was the re- cipient of the prestigious UK Med- ical Research Council Fellowship and completed further training to obtain a master’s degree in medical science and a PhD degree in pediatric endocrinology and diabe- tes. Dr. Ng also holds a Master of Laws degree and is active in medico-legal work. She is chair of the UK Association of Children’s Diabetes Clinicians, an officer for the British Society of Paediatric En- docrinology and Diabetes, and training advisor for Royal College of Paediatrics. She is in the Diabetes UK Council for Healthcare Professionals and Online Learning Committee for European Society of Paedi- atric Endocrinology. Dr. Ng is an active researcher with over 150 pub- lications and has presented at more than 100 sci- entific meetings. She serves on the editorial boards for several international journals, including as ed- itor-in-chief and associate editor, and is a regularly invited referee for many high-impact journals. She is a clinical lead of multiple national award-winning initiatives, such as the Diabetes UK Mary Mackinnon Award 2018, winner of the 2015 Diabetes Quality in Care award, Highly Commended runner-up for Dia- betes Team of the Year National BMJ Awards 2015, finalist for the HSJ Clinical Leader of the year 2015, and finalist in the UK Asian Woman of Achievement Award 2016. She is also the author of A Journey with Brendan, which documents life with her son with au- tism as both a mother and a pediatrician. Website: Twitter: @mayng888 Book on Amazon: diatrician/dp/1912575078/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UT- F8&qid=1529740894&sr=8-1&keywords=a+jour- ney+with+brendan Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 87 | 41