Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 74 (Member's Dashboard) | Page 14

AUTISM ADVOCACY Parent Rights and IEP Placement Options You Need to Know By Nicole BOVELL Knowing and understanding your procedural safeguards (parental rights) is very important when seeking the appropriate special education services for your child. Since the majority of students with disabilities receive special education services in the general education setting, being aware of laws and regulations with inclusion will point you in the right direction. t n e r a P s t h Rig F ederal law does not mandate  inclusion. However, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) has passed regulations related to the education of children with disabilities in inclusive placements. Accord- ing to IDEA, children with disabilities must be educated in the “least restrictive environ- 14 | Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 74 ment appropriate” to meet their “unique needs.” Ad- ditionally, IDEA requires that a least restrictive envi- ronment placement begins in the regular education classroom. Since the regular education classroom is not appropriate for all children with disabilities, IDEA requires school districts to have a “continuum of services” available so children with disabilities can