Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 72 (Member's Dashboard) | Page 42


Many children with autism have a connection to lines ; therefore , a game of this sort is attractive to the autism brain . Like art , children with autism can easily express themselves from mind to hand . That is why PECS , communication devices , pointing , or even art works . We limit children by forcing them to communicate the same way we communicate .

the word you want them to spell . Have the child spell it by obtaining the correct spelling letters in order and throwing them in the middle of the spider web .
• Math Advancements : When working on simple math , put the answers to mathematical equations on the bean bags . Show the child a simple math problem , and prompt him / her to play the game and obtain the answer to the mathematical problem and throw it in the middle of the spider web .
• Activities of Daily Living Advancements : If you are a parent or an educator of a child with autism , you know that your house or your school is plastered with signs on how to complete tasks such as : going to the bathroom , getting dressed , brushing teeth , or getting ready for school . Here are ways to incorporate the Spider Web Lesson Plan with your older children / students . Put the same chronological pictures ( PECS ) you have used on your sheets on the beanbags to prompt the child to finish a task . Start the game with a question . What do you do first when you wake up in the morning ? How do you brush your teeth ? What do you do when you get dressed ? This is a good test to know if your child has learned how to complete the task or just follows prompts .
• Competitive and teaching waiting advancements : Make teams !! Get two sets of colored bean bags and create competition with each other . This creates a real game atmosphere for your higher functioning children that forces the child to learn to wait .
How is this game tailored to the autism mind ? Many children with autism have a connection to lines ; therefore , a game of this sort is attractive to the autism brain . Like art , children with autism can easily express themselves from mind to hand . That is why PECS , communication devices , pointing , or even art works . We limit children by forcing them to communicate the same way we communicate . And then we measure their intelligence that way . This game allows them to acquire knowledge , express the knowledge , and advance that knowledge while not saying a single word . Although communication is needed and can be incorporated into this game , we can advance / test knowledge by hand-to-mind thinking . It also allows children with autism to be creative and think critically while strengthening fine and gross motor skills .
Maria Rohan , RN , BSN , is a registered nurse at Rainbow Babies and Children ’ s Hospital in Cleveland , Ohio . Outside of the nursing field , Maria has dedicated her life to working with and trying to give the most opportunity possible to children with special needs . Having worked with children with autism for ten years and having the autism diagnosis in her family , Maria writes interactive workbooks for children with autism , molding each workbook to their musical voice patterns , attention span , and likes . She currently sits on the PTO of STEPS Center for Excellence in Autism and continues to let her love for the children plant seeds of movement .
Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 72 | 43