Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 72 (Member's Dashboard) | Page 17

Evidence-Based Therapy in Action
Making an Educated Decision
• Overpromising
Be wary of any research showing that one autism therapy delivers more and better results than any other therapy . Outcomes that seem too good to be true usually are , no matter how much you would love to see your child make that progress .
• Unestablished Therapies
A few large reviews of autism research provide lists of “ unestablished interventions .” According to panels of autism experts from multiple disciplines , these autism therapies do not have enough evidence to show whether they are effective . The research that exists may not meet accepted standards , show no treatment effects , or even show negative effects .
See The National Standards Project , Phase 2 , page 72 for a list of unestablished therapies for autism .

Evidence-Based Therapy in Action

The evidence-based approach to autism treatment covers more than proof of working for kids with autism spectrum disorder ( ASD ). It also includes how that therapy is delivered , which professionals sometimes call “ evidence-based practice .”
For example , a therapy provider should collect data during treatment . You may notice changes in your child ’ s behavior , but the provider should constantly gather data and share it to demonstrate progress . If the data does not show results after several months , it may be time to switch to a different evidence-based therapy .
It is important to remember that each child with autism has unique needs , so the fact that a therapy is evidence-based does not guarantee it will provide the best results for your child . Other evidence-based therapies may be more effective .
Professionals who use evidence-based practices should also talk with you about how the therapy works , how much follow-up is required at home , and other considerations to help choose the evidence-based therapy that will work best for your child and your family .

Making an Educated Decision

The list of treatments for autism is almost endless and grows every year . The good news : There are always new ideas to help your child learn and improve . The bad news : Many of these ideas are untested and unproven .
The dilemma for parents is figuring out which therapies will help children reach their full potential . Therapies backed by scientific evidence are the best place to start and should be the foundation of your child ’ s treatment plan . Unestablished therapies without evidence behind them might help , but they are a gamble .
There are many ways to evaluate autism therapies , including word of mouth and online anecdotes . Examining the evidence supporting a therapy is one of the most powerful tools and one that can help you make the best decisions for your child .
Stephanie Bates , BCBA , is a board-certified behavior analyst and the director of training , quality , and privacy for autism home support services , which is the Midwest ’ s largest provider of inhome ABA therapy .
Email : sbates @ autismhomesupport . com
18 | Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 72